or maybe more accurately...when all the kids are home and have no other plans (this seems to be a rare occasion here lately, since the kids are all over 17 now), we get a lot accomplished.
Thursday we had another load of gravel dropped off, we'll keep plugging away at the French drain area, and whatever rock is leftover (we should have a small pile at least) will go on the driveway to fill in where the rain has washed it away. We had quite a rain this past week...3 inches!
Friday my husband took the day off work and got things organized, parts lined up, and the first row of siding started. That was a little trial and error on his part, since this is the first time he's worked with Hardy Board, a fiber cement siding...should last the rest of our life-time, though. Once he had everything figured out he and the kids really got some work done. Here are some pictures of the siding going up on Saturday:
And the last photo is of the last window finally installed on the front of the house. YAY! After the siding gets finished on the current side they're working on I think they have decided to tackle installing the door frames. This is also a first for my husband, as he couldn't find the correct sized door frames for our house (honestly, WHY do stores locally not sell six inch door frames...everyone these days are framing their homes in 2 x 6 studs! ugh!) So he's making his own. He's going to start with the small door on the front first, as that will be his practice run. The french doors on the back will be tough, as we want BOTH doors to be able to open, and open OUT onto the back porch, so we can fit BIG stuff through without killing ourselves trying to get it through a small opening. The back porch will be screened, so no worries about having to put a screen door on a six foot doorway.
In other news around our little farmstead, our chickens are molting and the ducks are backing off on laying for the winter, so the egg production has gone from about 14 a day down to six. My daughter and I spent the early morning yesterday cleaning the fence row out, seems some vines decided to climb our electric fence and ground it out. Thankfully our horses won't go through it, even when it's not on. It's been off for about two months. Yep, two months and the horses have stayed right where they're supposed to be.
Then we got busy cleaning up the north side of the house, construction mess is unsightly. After about six hours we had it pretty cleaned up, all that's left is a big pile of tarp pieces. The south side is going to take longer than that...that's where we have our tub & shower stall sitting for now, and they're on top of a big mess. I don't even want to talk about the mess behind our tool shed. Yuck!
Speaking of horses, we had a stray show up a few days ago. First it got through into our neighbor's calf pasture. When they couldn't chase it back through to its own side they chased it out of the pasture and it headed up here. I can't stand to see an animal just running loose, so it went in with our horses, after a day of introductions (ever heard horses get to know each other? It's NOISY!) they all seem to be settling down. Turns out it's a miniature horse...and it's a stud at that. Sigh...at least it's too small to breed with our mares. I'm not up to dealing with pregnant horses...not that our old girl even needs that added burden, being 29 in people years. Poor old girl, she may not make it another winter.
Anyway, we know where the little horse belongs, but it's not overly friendly to people and the owners just pasture a bunch of animals and don't even live around here. And of course no one around here knows their name...just say hi to them when they see them in the neighborhood. I guess we'll be leaving a note on their gate that their horse is up at our place. We wanted a cow or a goat, not another horse out in our pasture.
Well, that's about it around here. Hopefully I'll have pictures to post later of more progress on the house.
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