Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Cabin Arrives! AKA the tinyhouse

The morning we got the call that the cabin was coming, we were so excited! We could finally get working on a semi-permanent living arrangement! The cabin arrived on a sunny afternoon and the two guys who put it in place were really efficient. Jason was fascinated with the "mule" (equipment) they used to move it into position and level it. Once set we stood back and realized we really had picked the perfect spot on our property for it. What would we do with it when it was no longer needed as living quarters? I wanted a summer kitchen, Jason wanted a "shop". I think Jason has won, but maybe the stove and fridge will stay out there when we move into the "main house"? I mean, I do want new appliances some day. LOL!

Next on the agenda was insulation, plumbing and electrical. We found the insulation we needed, which I guess was not an easy task for Jason, since everything these days is for a different kind of framing than our cabin has. Wire was purchased, sheet rock, toilet, sink, and a wash tub/sink for the kitchen (it fit, and we were putting our portable dishwasher in the corner, so the deep sink/tub would do). Things were starting to get crazy! Winter weather was just around the corner and we needed to have the cabin done before the snows flew. The kids were back in school, so the boys only had weekends to help Jason. I had to get the rest of the house packed up and decide what absolutely would fit in the cabin and what had to go to storage. I really didn't have the time, with working outside the home, to have any kind of moving or yard sale, although it would've been nice. Work on the house was at a standstill now, the cabin had to get done quick!

After looking on craigslist awhile, we did decide to return the sheet rock and purchased instead 1/4" thick 4" x 3' slabs of cedar. They really make our cabin look like a "cabin"! And the price was right, too! Also purchased on craigslist was a tub and shower surround, WAY cheaper than at Lowes or HomeDepot, and it was brand new, just had some scratches. We also found wood-floor-looking sheet vinyl at a discount store and covered the whole cabin with it. It has fooled many people into believing we'd laid laminate. LOL!

Looking back, are there things we wish we'd done different? Yes.
For starters, we wish the subfloor in the cabin had been tongue and groove, because we have "squishy" spots now, and the vinyl floor is cracking along their seems. We wish we'd run more electric to the cabin, because we can't run the dishwasher and anything else on that wall at the same time (not the heater, not a coffee maker, not even the toaster). I'm sure there are other regrets, this is just off the top of my head.

Move-In Date was now known, we only had a couple weeks to clear out, Thanksgiving weekend was the end!

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