So I'll just post a few pictures really quick. We've gotten a lot accomplished, but it sure doesn't look like much, because it's all things that make a BIG difference, but not really that the wiring is all in upstairs, we're beginning to run the water lines, but I don't think it will look like a lot has been accomplished until the drywall goes up. Which should be soon, as soon as we're done running the water lines upstairs, I guess. We also spent a day just cleaning up around the yard, making a HUGE bonfire pile out of scrap and rotten lumber (Missouri is not kind to lumber not INSIDE a building...even tarps only go so far in protecting it. Jason also spent an evening regrading the driveway and part of the road (we are on a private road, maintenance falls to the homeowners on the road), and filling in potholes with gravel. We really need a few dump truck loads of gravel brought in and spread on the road, but we're not going to do that by ourselves. Oh, how could I forget...we have the shower installed upstairs, the toilet is ready to set (still no water run though) and the tub is set downstairs. It's slowly coming along...
On another note, because we are a "farm", it's time to start thinking of seeds for the spring garden (I won't need many, but I will need a few new varieties to try out) and the 1st of January Shannon & I will be ordering our baby chicks to raise. We're thinking 50, and we'll probably keep at least 10. We need a few more reliable layers, and forget Americaunas, they may be cute, but you can't find their eggs!!!
Okay, enough jabbering, here are some pictures!
And in celebration of our house getting CLOSER to completion, we put the Christmas tree up in the house this year! I also put "candle" nightlights in the windows, it looks really cool at night!
I've also been hard at work for my flea market booth, and I'm happy to say that it's starting to pay off. I have also listed a bunch of finds on eBay, and that's done pretty well for me, too, my "income" has purchased gas, groceries, Christmas gifts, animal feed, and all kinds of other little things that weren't in our budget. :) It's a lot of work, but I'm thankful to still be able to stay home and take care of the family, the animals, the garden, etc.
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